Iblis, in Islam, the personal name of the Devil and counterpart of Satan in Judaism and Christianity. Shayṭān (شَيْطٰان)) are evil spirits in Islamic belief, inciting humans to sin by waswasaħ (وَسْوَسَة, “whispering”) to the heart (قَلْب qalb).By such, they always try to lead humans astray. Although demons are usually spoken of in abstract terms, and more often described by their evil influences only, they are depicted as ugly and grotesque creatures of hell-fire. The word Šayṭān (Arabic: شَيْطَان) originates from the Semitic root š-ṭ-n ("distant, astray") taking a theological connotation designating a creature distant from divine mercy. In pre-Islamic Arabia, this term was used to designate an evil spirit, but only used by poets who were in contact with Jews and Christians. With the emergence of Islam, the meaning of shayatin moved closer to the Christian concept of devils. The term shayatin appears in a similar way in the Book of Enoch, denoting the hosts of the devil. Ta...
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