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Integrity in Public Life

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your wealth.”
When humans commit a sin they worry that other people might see them. They forget that God certainly sees them. Temptation befuddles the brain, and no one should believe they are immune to it.

"when a man is about to commit a transgression, he says, I hope no man will see me.”
“Men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain”.

Without a reputation for honesty and incorruptibility, judges cannot ensure that justice is seen to be done.
Trust is of the essence in public life. A nation that suspects its leaders of corruption cannot function effectively as a free, just and open society. It is the mark of a good society that public leadership is seen as a form of service rather than a means to power, which is all too easily abused.

Be clear before the Lord your GOD and before everyone.

The prophets were the world’s first social critics, mandated by God to speak truth to power and to challenge corrupt leaders, establishing for all time the ideals of equity, justice, honesty and integrity. A free society is built on moral foundations, and those must be unshakable.


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